Outlaws by Nature, Freelancers by Trade

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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Top 5 hints to a backstage pass!!!

Front row next to Anna Wintour is a tough one, however getting to see everything up close backstage, could be surprisingly easy. We asked friend, and New York based photographer, Alejandro Armas, to give us the lowdown on how to get backstage of any fashion show!

  1. Get a job a dresser

  2. Working as a member of a crew (skills required)

  3. Working as an intern for your favorite designer or PR company

  4. Try to find out if any of your friends are involved, help is always needed!

  5. In the end, if all the choices is nothing for you, try to throw yourself in the entrance jumping through the security. That might be just a bit risky, but what wouldn't you do for fashion!